We have an automated jury message system which is used to inform our jurors of their status during their period of "on call" service. Jurors must call this message as instructed on their summons.
The phone number is 1-800-488-0679.
Back to TopWe have an automated jury message system which is used to inform our jurors of their status during their period of "on call" service. Jurors must call this message as instructed on their summons.
The phone number is 1-800-488-0679.
Back to TopU.S. Bankruptcy Court
Western District of Missouri
400 E. 9th Street, Room 1510
Kansas City, MO 64106
(816) 512-1800
Whether or not you should file bankruptcy depends on your particular circumstances. It may be that after consultation with an accountant and attorney, you resolve your financial difficulties through other means. In some cases, declaring bankruptcy may be necessary. The decision to file for bankruptcy is a serious one.
For more information about filing bankruptcy, go to the federal Website at http://www.uscourts.gov/services-forms/bankruptcy/filing-without-attorney
Back to TopThe Fair Credit Reporting Act, 6 U.S.C. Section 605, is the law that controls credit reporting. The law states that credit reporting agencies may not report a bankruptcy case on a person's credit report after ten years from the date the bankruptcy case is filed. Other bad credit information is removed after seven years. The bankruptcy court has no influence over these reporting policies.
You may want to visit the Federal Trade Commission Website at www.ftc.gov for more information. Use their research window to locate the publications “How to Dispute Credit Reporting Errors” and “Fair Credit Reporting.”
If you have a complaint, you may also contact the Consumer Response Center at their toll free number: 1-877-382-4357
Back to TopIf you are representing yourself without the benefit of an attorney, you are known as a pro se litigant. "Pro Se" is a Latin term meaning "for yourself". As a pro se litigant, you enjoy every right entitled to you under the law. Pro se litigants are expected to follow and abide by the rules that govern the practice of law in the Federal Courts. Pro se litigants should be familiar with the United States Code, the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure and the Local Rules of the Western District of Missouri.
The bankruptcy law is complicated and not easily described, and you should, if possible, seek the advice of an attorney. The Clerk's Office is prohibited by 28 U.S.C. Section 955 from giving legal advice or assisting with the preparation of forms. Individuals may represent themselves; business debtors must have an attorney in any proceeding involving presentation of evidence. The fact that an individual is filing without the benefit of legal counsel does not excuse him/her from knowing the United States Code. You will be expected to read and be familiar with both the Local Rules of this court and the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.
The Missouri Bar Association Website at www.mobar.org provides information about attorneys who are accepting new clients in your area. Locations and contact information for Missouri Legal Aid offices are also provided.
Back to TopIf you are representing yourself without the benefit of an attorney, you are known as a pro se litigant. "Pro Se" is a Latin term meaning "for yourself." As a pro se litigant, you enjoy every right entitled to you under the law. Pro se litigants are expected to follow and abide by the rules that govern the practice of law in the Federal Courts. Pro se litigants should be familiar with the United States Code, the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure and the Local Rules of the Western District of Missouri.
Back to TopChapter 7 - Liquidation: This chapter of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code provides for an orderly court-supervised means of selling certain assets to pay your creditors. In a Chapter 7 case, a trustee is appointed by the U.S. Bankruptcy Court to take charge of your "estate" consisting of all your assets. The law may allow you to keep some of your property. The trustee will sell the rest to pay your creditors. Unless someone objects, some or all of your debts will be discharged within a few months after the bankruptcy petition is filed.
Chapter 11 - Reorganization: This Chapter of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code is available to individuals, businesses and other entities, but is primarily intended to allow an ongoing business to restructure its debts. Successful reorganization is dependent on the debtor filing what is called a "reorganization plan" and obtaining the acceptance of creditors and approval by the court for such a plan.
Chapter 12 - Family Farmer: This Chapter of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code is designed to assist family farmers and fisherman who are presently unable to pay their debtors but would like to pay creditors over a period of time through a plan repayment.
Chapter 13 - Adjustment of Debts for an Individual with Regular Income: This Chapter of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code provides a court-supervised method for a debtor to pay back creditors over a period of time of up to five years. The debtor files a plan for repayment with the bankruptcy petition or soon thereafter. Payments must begin within thirty days after the case has begun. The payments are made to a trustee who will begin paying the creditors after the plan has been approved by the court.
Back to TopYou are under bankruptcy protection when and after your petition is filed by a member of the Clerk's office and a case number is assigned. The moment a petition is filed there exists an automatic stay, or suspension, of virtually all litigation and other action by creditors against the debtor or the debtor's property. In other words, once a petition has been filed, creditors cannot commence or continue most legal actions, such as foreclosure of liens, execution on judgments, trials, (garnishments), or any action to repossess property in the hands of the debtor. Creditors can, however, seek to have the court allow them to pursue or continue legal collection actions.
Back to TopYes, once you file bankruptcy, you are under protection of the court from most creditors. You should immediately notify the garnishing creditor and sheriff that you have filed a bankruptcy petition. You may file a motion with the court to request an order to stop a wage garnishment if needed.
Back to TopYes, bankruptcies are considered public record. Anyone may call the court and verify if you have filed bankruptcy. Online access to bankruptcy records is available for a fee to persons who have a PACER login and password. Social security numbers are protected. Only the last 4 digits of a debtor's social security number are available to the public.
The Fair Credit Reporting Act, 6 U.S.C. Section 605, is the law that controls credit reporting. The law states that credit reporting agencies may not report a bankruptcy case on a person's credit report after ten years from the date the bankruptcy case is filed. Other bad credit information is removed after seven years.
The Court does not report bankruptcy information to the credit bureaus but can verify the information. Credit bureaus are governed by the Fair Credit Reporting Act, Section 605. Credit bureaus receive their information either through their own research of the public bankruptcy record, from your creditors, or verification by our office. Any dispute you might have regarding your credit report must be taken up with the credit bureaus directly.
You may want to visit the Federal Trade Commission Website at www.ftc.gov for more information. Use their research window to locate the publications on “Fair Credit Reporting.”
If you have a complaint, you may also contact the Consumer Response Center at their toll free number: 1-877-382-4357.
Back to TopYou may only file in person at the Kansas City Courthouse. If an emergency exists, cases may be filed in the Springfield and Jefferson City District Court Clerk's office IF prior approval is obtained from the Bankruptcy Clerk's office in Kansas City, see Local Rules 11002-2(A) and (B). Contact our office at 816-512-1800, between 9:00am and 4:30pm to request approval for an emergency filing in Springfield or Jefferson City.
Back to TopThe United States Bankruptcy Court for the Western District of Missouri is open Monday through Friday, excluding federal holidays, from 10:00am to 3:45pm. You may reach us by phone at 816-512-1800 between the hours of 9:00am to 4:30pm. There is a drop box in the Kansas City Courthouse lobby. Documents or cases may be placed in the drop box until 6:00 PM and will be deemed filed that day. Paper documents filed by pro se debtors must contain original signatures.
eSR is an online tool to help individuals complete a chapter 7 or chapter 13 bankruptcy petition when they have decided to file bankruptcy without an attorney. More information can be found on this Website at https://www.mow.uscourts.gov/bankruptcy/esr
Back to TopYou may obtain FREE federal forms many of which are in pdf-fillable format from the federal website. For instructions on pdf-fillable forms and to obtain FREE federal forms, click here. If you plan to file bankruptcy, you should familiarize yourself with this Court's Local Rules and with locally-required forms that are not part of the official national forms. Local forms are available on the Forms page of this Website. See the local requirements for a list of required forms by chapter.
eSR is an online tool to help individuals complete a chapter 7 or chapter 13 bankruptcy petition when they have decided to file bankruptcy without an attorney. More information can be found on this Website at https://www.mow.uscourts.gov/bankruptcy/esr
Back to TopAt a minimum, you must have the Voluntary Petition, the Statement of Social Security Number (B 121), and the filing fee or application to pay in installments or motion to waive filing fee (Chapter 7 cases only). The Mailing Matrix typed list of creditor names and addresses, the Verification of Mailing Matrix (local form), and the Certificate of Credit Counseling (completed within 180 days prior to filing of the case) should also be submitted at the time of filing.
Back to TopPro Se Debtors only need to file an original petition in paper format. If you would like a file-stamped copy returned to you, please supply the court with a copy. If you are mailing original documents and would like a file-stamped copy, please be sure to include a copy of the document and a self-addressed, stamped envelope for your copy to be returned to you.
Back to TopSee the initials which appear at the end of the case number:
BTF = Bankruptcy Judge Brian T. Fenimore
DRD = Bankruptcy Judge Dennis R. Dow
CAN = Bankruptcy Judge Cynthia A. Norton
A matrix is a list of all creditors in a bankruptcy case, including the names and addresses of each creditor. The list is used for electronic noticing required during the course of your bankruptcy case. The matrix should be submitted at the time of the filing of your case and should be typed using the proper format as listed on the instructions page. More instructions are provided in the Appendix to the Local Rules.
Back to TopYes, if you are an individual, Bankruptcy Rule 1006 allows the debtor the right to apply for permission to pay the filing fee in installments. The debtor must complete and sign the Application to Pay Filing Fees in Installments. The application must state the proposed terms of the installment payments. The entire filing fee must be paid within 120 days of the filing of the petition in four or fewer installment payments. Failure to pay filing fee installments on time may result in dismissal of your case. If your case is dismissed before all the installment payments have been paid, you are required to pay these fees that are due and owing to the Court. If installment filing fees were not paid, subsequent bankruptcy cases will not be approved to be paid in installments.
Back to TopIf you are filing a chapter 7 bankruptcy and your income is below 150% of the federal poverty guidelines, you may be able to have your filing fee waived by the court. You must file an application to waive the filing fee and provide all information required by the federal form (AO B3B) which can be obtained at www.uscourts.gov/bkforms. There is no waiver of the filing fee for Chapter 11, 12 or 13.
Back to TopPro se debtors may pay with cashier's check, or money order. The Clerk's Office does not accept credit or debit cards, two-party checks or personal checks from the debtor in bankruptcy.
Back to TopYou and your creditors will receive a notice of the first meeting of creditors by mail within 3-5 days from the date of filing a new case as long as the list of creditors is filed with the case. If there is an urgent need to notify a creditor to stop a foreclosure or a garnishment, for example, you may need to notify the creditor of the bankruptcy filing yourself.
Back to TopThe first meeting of creditors is required under Section 341 of the Bankruptcy Code and the debtor is required to attend at the date and time and at the phone location listed on the 341 meeting notice. The purpose of the meeting is to enable the appointed trustee to examine the debtor under oath regarding the information that has been filed with the Court. The trustee or a creditor may inquire about the debtor's financial status, conduct and financial affairs, and any other matters that are relevant to the administration of the debtor's estate, including factors which bear on an individual debtor's right to a discharge or to the dischargeability of any particular obligation, or the debtor's claimed exemptions. If a creditor wishes to do an in-depth examination, he or she should request a Rule 2004 examination from the Court. Failure of the debtor to attend this meeting may result in dismissal of the bankruptcy case. Individual debtors must provide picture identification and proof of social security number to the trustee to whom the case is assigned at the meeting of creditors. The trustee may also request additional information pertaining to your case. Failure to provide information to the trustee may result in your case being dismissed.
Back to TopAll contested matters will be heard by the judge if one of the parties files a motion or a response or objection to that motion. As a pro se debtor, you will be notified of any hearings and will be expected to attend.
Back to TopA trustee is a person who works with the court to administer bankruptcy cases. The trustee does not represent the debtor or any individual creditor and cannot give legal advice. Rather, the trustee has independent rights and duties that are set forth in the Bankruptcy Code sections 323, 327, 341, 343, 345, 363, 364, 365, 704 (chapter 7 cases) and 1302 (chapter 13 cases). In a chapter 7 case, the trustee may take possession of the debtor's assets, sell them, and distribute the proceeds to creditors. In a chapter 13 case, the trustee administers the debtor's plan of payment, collects the funds, and pays the creditors. The trustee will also oversee the first meeting of creditors.
Back to TopYou must file a Notice of Amendment to Schedules, Amended Schedule D, E/F along with a verification of the amended schedule D, E, or F, an amended matrix and verification of amended matrix along with the current filing fee. The debtor is responsible for serving the Notice and Amendment(s) on the new creditor(s). For more information, see Local Rule 1009.
Back to TopNo, certain debts are not canceled (discharged) by the US Bankruptcy Court. Examples could include taxes, school loans, debts resulting from fraud, alimony and child support payments. Other debts are canceled (discharged) only if your petition is approved by the US Bankruptcy Court.
Specific questions you have should be directed to an attorney or financial advisor. The Clerk of the Bankruptcy Court can answer questions about court procedures for you but is prohibited by law from giving legal advice.
Back to TopIndividual debtors are eligible to receive their Chapter 7 discharge 60 days from the date set for the 341 meeting, unless a creditor objects in a timely manner or the court orders otherwise. In the normal case where no complaint objecting to the discharge is filed, the debtor will receive a discharge within five working days after the 60 days has passed. If a notice of amendment to schedules is filed to add creditors, the discharge will be delayed an additional 30 days from the date of filing the notice. Failure of the debtor to complete the Personal Financial Management Course and to file the required form (AO 423) will delay the debtor's discharge and, if the case is otherwise ready to close, may result in the case closing without issuing a discharge to the debtor. If this occurs and the debtor wishes to file the required forms and apply for a discharge, the case will need to be reopened and the required reopening filing fee paid.
Back to TopAll creditors who were listed on your mailing matrix and any amendments thereto will be notified by mail when the discharge order is entered.
Back to TopSince all cases bear unique circumstances, it is difficult to pinpoint an exact time that your case will be closed. Many chapter 7 no asset cases are closed within 90 days from filing if no disputes have arisen. Chapter 7 asset cases require that the trustee liquidate the assets which often takes several years. Chapter 13 cases remain open as long as the plan payments are being made, generally for three to five years after the plan has been confirmed. Chapter 11 reorganization cases are more complicated and may remain open longer than three years even if a plan has been confirmed.
Back to TopYou will receive a copy of your discharge in the mail after it is entered. However, if some time has passed and you have not received your discharge or you need another copy, please call the Clerk's Office (816-512-1800).
**After filing, it is very important that the debtors retain his/her bankruptcy papers for future reference. Sometimes the information may be needed for a future home purchase or other business transactions that will require proof of filing and discharge.**
Back to TopA certified copy of the judgment from the originating District Court (28 U.S.C. § 1963), form AO B265 - Certification of Judgment (Instructions), and a money order or cashier's check for the required filing fee payable to the Clerk, United States District Court. The case will be filed with the District Court, not the Bankruptcy Court. Find out more about photocopies.
Back to TopUnder state and federal laws, debtors are entitled to keep certain exempt property. The Clerk's Office cannot give legal advice. You can, however, research Title 11 of the US Code, Chapter 5, Subchapter 11, Section 522 as well as the Missouri Revised Statutes for more information on allowable exemptions.
Back to TopSee the Missouri Department of Revenue web site at dor.mo.gov/faq/bankruptcy.php.
Go to the question: I have filed bankruptcy. How can I license my vehicle?
You will file your notice of appeal with the Bankruptcy Court whose order or judgment you are appealing.
Back to TopNo. All bankruptcy appeals are forwarded to the Bankruptcy Appellate Panel of the Eighth Circuit unless a timely election is made to have the appeal heard by the District Court. The election must be filed with the notice of appeal filed with the Bankruptcy Court and It must be on a separate election form as indicated in the Local Bankruptcy Rules.
Back to TopAn appeal from a Bankruptcy Court decision or judgment costs the same as a civil or criminal appeal: $298.00.
Back to TopA bankruptcy appeal may be commenced In Forma Pauperis only if the court determines that the filing party meets the standards set forth under law. The motion to proceed In Forma Pauperis and an affidavit of financial status should be filed concurrent with the notice of appeal.
Back to TopA notice of appeal; payment in the amount of $298.00 or motion to proceed In Forma Pauperis and affidavit of financial status; a separate election form if you wish the appeal to be heard by the District Court instead of the Bankruptcy Appellate Panel.
Back to TopThe record on appeal is prepared and filed by counsel in the case in accordance with the federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure, the Local Rules of the Bankruptcy Appellate Panel and the Local Rules of the Bankruptcy Court. For information on BAP Rules, forms and procedures, visit their web site at: http://www.ca8.uscourts.gov/bankruptcy-appellate-panel.
Back to TopIf a transcript is required for the record, it must be ordered by the appellant within 14 days of filing the notice of appeal. See Transcript Request for more information.
Back to TopAppeals from a Bankruptcy Court decision, whether filed with the Bankruptcy Appellate Panel or the District Court, must be filed within 14 days of the decision or judgment being appealed.
Back to TopFor more information regarding requirements, visit the web site for the 8th Circuit Bankruptcy Panel noted above and/or the Local Rules page for the Western District of Missouri.
Back to Top
The national form is available on our website under Bankruptcy Forms, B410. You may also file an electronic proof of claim. For additional information on ePOC, click on the link - https://www.mow.uscourts.gov/bankruptcy/creditors/epoc-ereaf-erqn
Back to TopThe notice address is where the court office will send notices. The payment address is where the trustees will send payments.
Back to TopNo. Once you have filed a proof of claim, you do not need to re-file it if the case converts to another chapter.
Back to Topa) Ensure that the attachment(s) is in PDF format and is being submitted in black and white (no color documents).
b) Confirm that each PDF document being attached is less than 7 MB in size.
c) File an amended claim and attach the correct PDF images.
d) When filing the amended claim, check the box on the form that designates that the claim is amended. Select the claim number of the claim to be amended.
e) Attachments must be added by the process above.
You should file a change of address form with the Court. This form can be found on the Court's website and should also be sent to the case trustee.
Back to TopA Reaffirmation Agreement WITH cover sheet in a combined PDF can be filed using eReaf - https://www.mow.uscourts.gov/bankruptcy/creditors/epoc-ereaf-erqn. The national form is also available on our website under Bankruptcy Forms, B427 and B240A.
Back to TopA PDF Request for Notice can be attached and filed using eRQN - https://www.mow.uscourts.gov/bankruptcy/creditors/epoc-ereaf-erqn. The requesting party will then be added to the creditor mailing matrix.
Back to TopYou may have been named as a creditor in a bankruptcy case and were probably listed on the debtor’s schedule. If you wish to check the schedules, you can register to become a PACER User at http://www.pacer.gov.
Back to TopThe debtor is required to attend the meeting of creditors. As a creditor you are not required but may choose to attend to ask questions. For further assistance, please seek legal advice.
Back to TopYou will file your notice of appeal with the Bankruptcy Court whose order or judgment you are appealing.
Back to TopNo. All bankruptcy appeals are forwarded to the Bankruptcy Appellate Panel of the Eighth Circuit unless a timely election is made to have the appeal heard by the District Court. The election must be filed with the notice of appeal filed with the Bankruptcy Court and It must be on a separate election form as indicated in the Local Bankruptcy Rules.
Back to TopAn appeal from a Bankruptcy Court decision or judgment costs the same as a civil or criminal appeal: $298.00.
Back to TopA bankruptcy appeal may be commenced In Forma Pauperis only if the court determines that the filing party meets the standards set forth under law. The motion to proceed In Forma Pauperis and an affidavit of financial status should be filed concurrent with the notice of appeal.
Back to TopA notice of appeal; payment in the amount of $298.00 or motion to proceed In Forma Pauperis and affidavit of financial status; a separate election form if you wish the appeal to be heard by the District Court instead of the Bankruptcy Appellate Panel.
Back to TopThe record on appeal is prepared and filed by counsel in the case in accordance with the federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure, the Local Rules of the Bankruptcy Appellate Panel and the Local Rules of the Bankruptcy Court. For information on BAP Rules, forms and procedures, visit their web site at: http://www.ca8.uscourts.gov/bankruptcy-appellate-panel.
Back to TopIf a transcript is required for the record, it must be ordered by the appellant within 14 days of filing the notice of appeal. See Transcript Request for more information.
Back to TopAppeals from a Bankruptcy Court decision, whether filed with the Bankruptcy Appellate Panel or the District Court, must be filed within 14 days of the decision or judgment being appealed.
Back to TopFor more information regarding requirements, visit the web site for the 8th Circuit Bankruptcy Panel noted above and/or the Local Rules page for the Western District of Missouri.
Back to Top
Jury trials can last anywhere from less than one day to many weeks in length. The majority of our trials in the Western District of Missouri last two to three days. If you were subject to a lengthy trial, you will have an opportunity to advise the court that a long trial would be a problem for you.
Back to TopSometimes trials will run into the evening hours. If that happens, you will have ample time to make any necessary arrangements and advise your family. Sequestration is always a possibility, however, you will be informed of that possibility on the day of selection.
Back to TopJuries will be selected on the first day you report for jury duty. If you are selected to serve, you will most likely begin the trial that day. There are no standard court hours. If you are not selected to serve, you could be dismissed by noon or early afternoon.
Back to TopThe national form is available on our website under Bankruptcy Forms, B410. You may also file an electronic proof of claim. For additional information on ePOC, click on the link - https://www.mow.uscourts.gov/bankruptcy/creditors/epoc-ereaf-erqn
Back to TopThe notice address is where the court office will send notices. The payment address is where the trustees will send payments.
Back to TopNo. Once you have filed a proof of claim, you do not need to re-file it if the case converts to another chapter.
Back to Topa) Ensure that the attachment(s) is in PDF format and is being submitted in black and white (no color documents).
b) Confirm that each PDF document being attached is less than 7 MB in size.
c) File an amended claim and attach the correct PDF images.
d) When filing the amended claim, check the box on the form that designates that the claim is amended. Select the claim number of the claim to be amended.
e) Attachments must be added by the process above.
You should file a change of address form with the Court. This form can be found on the Court's website and should also be sent to the case trustee.
Back to TopA Reaffirmation Agreement WITH cover sheet in a combined PDF can be filed using eReaf - https://www.mow.uscourts.gov/bankruptcy/creditors/epoc-ereaf-erqn. The national form is also available on our website under Bankruptcy Forms, B427 and B240A.
Back to TopA PDF Request for Notice can be attached and filed using eRQN - https://www.mow.uscourts.gov/bankruptcy/creditors/epoc-ereaf-erqn. The requesting party will then be added to the creditor mailing matrix.
Back to TopYou may have been named as a creditor in a bankruptcy case and were probably listed on the debtor’s schedule. If you wish to check the schedules, you can register to become a PACER User at http://www.pacer.gov.
Back to TopThe debtor is required to attend the meeting of creditors. As a creditor you are not required but may choose to attend to ask questions. For further assistance, please seek legal advice.
Back to TopYou will file your notice of appeal in the District Court. There is one exception: if you are appealing a bankruptcy case you will file your notice of appeal in the Bankruptcy Court.
Back to TopAn appeal from a District Court decision to the 8th Circuit (civil or criminal): $605.00 filing fee.
Back to TopYou may file a motion to proceed as a poor person (in forma pauperis) and an affidavit of financial status with the District Court. The judge who heard your case will rule on whether or not you can proceed on appeal without paying the filing fee.
If the District Court judge denies your motion to proceed in forma pauperis, you may renew your motion in the appellate court.
Back to TopIn a Civil case you will need the following: (1) Notice of Appeal and (2) cash, a money order, debit, credit, cashier's check, or check for $505.00 or, (3) Motion to Proceed In Forma Pauperis.
In a Criminal case you will need the following: (1) Notice of Appeal (there is a form for criminal cases); (2) cash, a money order, debit, credit, cashier's check, or check for $505.00 or, (3) Motion to Proceed In Forma Pauperis.
Please note: the Jefferson City Courthouse cannot accept cash.
Back to TopThe appellant is required to contact the court reporter if the transcript is needed on appeal. You will find his/her name in the minute entries on the docket sheet.
Back to TopA. Appeal from a District Court decision (civil). The notice of appeal required by Rule 3 must be filed with the district clerk within 30 days after the judgment or order appealed from is entered.
B. Appeal from a District Court decision (criminal). In a criminal case, a defendant's notice of appeal must be filed in the district court within 14 days after the later of: (i) the entry of either the judgment or the order being appealed; or (ii) the filing of the government's notice of appeal.
Back to TopThe 8th Circuit has a Website that includes rules and publications about filing an appeal. http://www.ca8.uscourts.gov
Back to TopU.S. Bankruptcy Court
Western District of Missouri
400 E. 9th Street, Room 1510
Kansas City, MO 64106
(816) 512-1800
Whether or not you should file bankruptcy depends on your particular circumstances. It may be that after consultation with an accountant and attorney, you resolve your financial difficulties through other means. In some cases, declaring bankruptcy may be necessary. The decision to file for bankruptcy is a serious one.
For more information about filing bankruptcy, go to the federal Website at http://www.uscourts.gov/services-forms/bankruptcy/filing-without-attorney
Back to TopIf you are representing yourself without the benefit of an attorney, you are known as a pro se litigant. "Pro Se" is a Latin term meaning "for yourself". As a pro se litigant, you enjoy every right entitled to you under the law. Pro se litigants are expected to follow and abide by the rules that govern the practice of law in the Federal Courts. Pro se litigants should be familiar with the United States Code, the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure and the Local Rules of the Western District of Missouri.
The bankruptcy law is complicated and not easily described, and you should, if possible, seek the advice of an attorney. The Clerk's Office is prohibited by 28 U.S.C. Section 955 from giving legal advice or assisting with the preparation of forms. Individuals may represent themselves; business debtors must have an attorney in any proceeding involving presentation of evidence. The fact that an individual is filing without the benefit of legal counsel does not excuse him/her from knowing the United States Code. You will be expected to read and be familiar with both the Local Rules of this court and the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.
The Missouri Bar Association Website at www.mobar.org provides information about attorneys who are accepting new clients in your area. Locations and contact information for Missouri Legal Aid offices are also provided.
Back to TopChapter 7 - Liquidation: This chapter of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code provides for an orderly court-supervised means of selling certain assets to pay your creditors. In a Chapter 7 case, a trustee is appointed by the U.S. Bankruptcy Court to take charge of your "estate" consisting of all your assets. The law may allow you to keep some of your property. The trustee will sell the rest to pay your creditors. Unless someone objects, some or all of your debts will be discharged within a few months after the bankruptcy petition is filed.
Chapter 11 - Reorganization: This Chapter of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code is available to individuals, businesses and other entities, but is primarily intended to allow an ongoing business to restructure its debts. Successful reorganization is dependent on the debtor filing what is called a "reorganization plan" and obtaining the acceptance of creditors and approval by the court for such a plan.
Chapter 12 - Family Farmer: This Chapter of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code is designed to assist family farmers and fisherman who are presently unable to pay their debtors but would like to pay creditors over a period of time through a plan repayment.
Chapter 13 - Adjustment of Debts for an Individual with Regular Income: This Chapter of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code provides a court-supervised method for a debtor to pay back creditors over a period of time of up to five years. The debtor files a plan for repayment with the bankruptcy petition or soon thereafter. Payments must begin within thirty days after the case has begun. The payments are made to a trustee who will begin paying the creditors after the plan has been approved by the court.
Back to TopYou are under bankruptcy protection when and after your petition is filed by a member of the Clerk's office and a case number is assigned. The moment a petition is filed there exists an automatic stay, or suspension, of virtually all litigation and other action by creditors against the debtor or the debtor's property. In other words, once a petition has been filed, creditors cannot commence or continue most legal actions, such as foreclosure of liens, execution on judgments, trials, (garnishments), or any action to repossess property in the hands of the debtor. Creditors can, however, seek to have the court allow them to pursue or continue legal collection actions.
Back to TopYes, once you file bankruptcy, you are under protection of the court from most creditors. You should immediately notify the garnishing creditor and sheriff that you have filed a bankruptcy petition. You may file a motion with the court to request an order to stop a wage garnishment if needed.
Back to TopYes, bankruptcies are considered public record. Anyone may call the court and verify if you have filed bankruptcy. Online access to bankruptcy records is available for a fee to persons who have a PACER login and password. Social security numbers are protected. Only the last 4 digits of a debtor's social security number are available to the public.
The Fair Credit Reporting Act, 6 U.S.C. Section 605, is the law that controls credit reporting. The law states that credit reporting agencies may not report a bankruptcy case on a person's credit report after ten years from the date the bankruptcy case is filed. Other bad credit information is removed after seven years.
The Court does not report bankruptcy information to the credit bureaus but can verify the information. Credit bureaus are governed by the Fair Credit Reporting Act, Section 605. Credit bureaus receive their information either through their own research of the public bankruptcy record, from your creditors, or verification by our office. Any dispute you might have regarding your credit report must be taken up with the credit bureaus directly.
You may want to visit the Federal Trade Commission Website at www.ftc.gov for more information. Use their research window to locate the publications on “Fair Credit Reporting.”
If you have a complaint, you may also contact the Consumer Response Center at their toll free number: 1-877-382-4357.
Back to TopYou may only file in person at the Kansas City Courthouse. If an emergency exists, cases may be filed in the Springfield and Jefferson City District Court Clerk's office IF prior approval is obtained from the Bankruptcy Clerk's office in Kansas City, see Local Rules 11002-2(A) and (B). Contact our office at 816-512-1800, between 9:00am and 4:30pm to request approval for an emergency filing in Springfield or Jefferson City.
Back to TopThe United States Bankruptcy Court for the Western District of Missouri is open Monday through Friday, excluding federal holidays, from 10:00am to 3:45pm. You may reach us by phone at 816-512-1800 between the hours of 9:00am to 4:30pm. There is a drop box in the Kansas City Courthouse lobby. Documents or cases may be placed in the drop box until 6:00 PM and will be deemed filed that day. Paper documents filed by pro se debtors must contain original signatures.
eSR is an online tool to help individuals complete a chapter 7 or chapter 13 bankruptcy petition when they have decided to file bankruptcy without an attorney. More information can be found on this Website at https://www.mow.uscourts.gov/bankruptcy/esr
Back to TopYou may obtain FREE federal forms many of which are in pdf-fillable format from the federal website. For instructions on pdf-fillable forms and to obtain FREE federal forms, click here. If you plan to file bankruptcy, you should familiarize yourself with this Court's Local Rules and with locally-required forms that are not part of the official national forms. Local forms are available on the Forms page of this Website. See the local requirements for a list of required forms by chapter.
eSR is an online tool to help individuals complete a chapter 7 or chapter 13 bankruptcy petition when they have decided to file bankruptcy without an attorney. More information can be found on this Website at https://www.mow.uscourts.gov/bankruptcy/esr
Back to TopAt a minimum, you must have the Voluntary Petition, the Statement of Social Security Number (B 121), and the filing fee or application to pay in installments or motion to waive filing fee (Chapter 7 cases only). The Mailing Matrix typed list of creditor names and addresses, the Verification of Mailing Matrix (local form), and the Certificate of Credit Counseling (completed within 180 days prior to filing of the case) should also be submitted at the time of filing.
Back to TopPro Se Debtors only need to file an original petition in paper format. If you would like a file-stamped copy returned to you, please supply the court with a copy. If you are mailing original documents and would like a file-stamped copy, please be sure to include a copy of the document and a self-addressed, stamped envelope for your copy to be returned to you.
Back to TopSee the initials which appear at the end of the case number:
BTF = Bankruptcy Judge Brian T. Fenimore
DRD = Bankruptcy Judge Dennis R. Dow
CAN = Bankruptcy Judge Cynthia A. Norton
A matrix is a list of all creditors in a bankruptcy case, including the names and addresses of each creditor. The list is used for electronic noticing required during the course of your bankruptcy case. The matrix should be submitted at the time of the filing of your case and should be typed using the proper format as listed on the instructions page. More instructions are provided in the Appendix to the Local Rules.
Back to TopYes, if you are an individual, Bankruptcy Rule 1006 allows the debtor the right to apply for permission to pay the filing fee in installments. The debtor must complete and sign the Application to Pay Filing Fees in Installments. The application must state the proposed terms of the installment payments. The entire filing fee must be paid within 120 days of the filing of the petition in four or fewer installment payments. Failure to pay filing fee installments on time may result in dismissal of your case. If your case is dismissed before all the installment payments have been paid, you are required to pay these fees that are due and owing to the Court. If installment filing fees were not paid, subsequent bankruptcy cases will not be approved to be paid in installments.
Back to TopIf you are filing a chapter 7 bankruptcy and your income is below 150% of the federal poverty guidelines, you may be able to have your filing fee waived by the court. You must file an application to waive the filing fee and provide all information required by the federal form (AO B3B) which can be obtained at www.uscourts.gov/bkforms. There is no waiver of the filing fee for Chapter 11, 12 or 13.
Back to TopPro se debtors may pay with cashier's check, or money order. The Clerk's Office does not accept credit or debit cards, two-party checks or personal checks from the debtor in bankruptcy.
Back to TopYou and your creditors will receive a notice of the first meeting of creditors by mail within 3-5 days from the date of filing a new case as long as the list of creditors is filed with the case. If there is an urgent need to notify a creditor to stop a foreclosure or a garnishment, for example, you may need to notify the creditor of the bankruptcy filing yourself.
Back to TopThe first meeting of creditors is required under Section 341 of the Bankruptcy Code and the debtor is required to attend at the date and time and at the phone location listed on the 341 meeting notice. The purpose of the meeting is to enable the appointed trustee to examine the debtor under oath regarding the information that has been filed with the Court. The trustee or a creditor may inquire about the debtor's financial status, conduct and financial affairs, and any other matters that are relevant to the administration of the debtor's estate, including factors which bear on an individual debtor's right to a discharge or to the dischargeability of any particular obligation, or the debtor's claimed exemptions. If a creditor wishes to do an in-depth examination, he or she should request a Rule 2004 examination from the Court. Failure of the debtor to attend this meeting may result in dismissal of the bankruptcy case. Individual debtors must provide picture identification and proof of social security number to the trustee to whom the case is assigned at the meeting of creditors. The trustee may also request additional information pertaining to your case. Failure to provide information to the trustee may result in your case being dismissed.
Back to TopAll contested matters will be heard by the judge if one of the parties files a motion or a response or objection to that motion. As a pro se debtor, you will be notified of any hearings and will be expected to attend.
Back to TopA trustee is a person who works with the court to administer bankruptcy cases. The trustee does not represent the debtor or any individual creditor and cannot give legal advice. Rather, the trustee has independent rights and duties that are set forth in the Bankruptcy Code sections 323, 327, 341, 343, 345, 363, 364, 365, 704 (chapter 7 cases) and 1302 (chapter 13 cases). In a chapter 7 case, the trustee may take possession of the debtor's assets, sell them, and distribute the proceeds to creditors. In a chapter 13 case, the trustee administers the debtor's plan of payment, collects the funds, and pays the creditors. The trustee will also oversee the first meeting of creditors.
Back to TopYou must file a Notice of Amendment to Schedules, Amended Schedule D, E/F along with a verification of the amended schedule D, E, or F, an amended matrix and verification of amended matrix along with the current filing fee. The debtor is responsible for serving the Notice and Amendment(s) on the new creditor(s). For more information, see Local Rule 1009.
Back to TopNo, certain debts are not canceled (discharged) by the US Bankruptcy Court. Examples could include taxes, school loans, debts resulting from fraud, alimony and child support payments. Other debts are canceled (discharged) only if your petition is approved by the US Bankruptcy Court.
Specific questions you have should be directed to an attorney or financial advisor. The Clerk of the Bankruptcy Court can answer questions about court procedures for you but is prohibited by law from giving legal advice.
Back to TopIndividual debtors are eligible to receive their Chapter 7 discharge 60 days from the date set for the 341 meeting, unless a creditor objects in a timely manner or the court orders otherwise. In the normal case where no complaint objecting to the discharge is filed, the debtor will receive a discharge within five working days after the 60 days has passed. If a notice of amendment to schedules is filed to add creditors, the discharge will be delayed an additional 30 days from the date of filing the notice. Failure of the debtor to complete the Personal Financial Management Course and to file the required form (AO 423) will delay the debtor's discharge and, if the case is otherwise ready to close, may result in the case closing without issuing a discharge to the debtor. If this occurs and the debtor wishes to file the required forms and apply for a discharge, the case will need to be reopened and the required reopening filing fee paid.
Back to TopAll creditors who were listed on your mailing matrix and any amendments thereto will be notified by mail when the discharge order is entered.
Back to TopSince all cases bear unique circumstances, it is difficult to pinpoint an exact time that your case will be closed. Many chapter 7 no asset cases are closed within 90 days from filing if no disputes have arisen. Chapter 7 asset cases require that the trustee liquidate the assets which often takes several years. Chapter 13 cases remain open as long as the plan payments are being made, generally for three to five years after the plan has been confirmed. Chapter 11 reorganization cases are more complicated and may remain open longer than three years even if a plan has been confirmed.
Back to TopYou will receive a copy of your discharge in the mail after it is entered. However, if some time has passed and you have not received your discharge or you need another copy, please call the Clerk's Office (816-512-1800).
**After filing, it is very important that the debtors retain his/her bankruptcy papers for future reference. Sometimes the information may be needed for a future home purchase or other business transactions that will require proof of filing and discharge.**
Back to TopUnder state and federal laws, debtors are entitled to keep certain exempt property. The Clerk's Office cannot give legal advice. You can, however, research Title 11 of the US Code, Chapter 5, Subchapter 11, Section 522 as well as the Missouri Revised Statutes for more information on allowable exemptions.
Back to TopSee the Missouri Department of Revenue web site at dor.mo.gov/faq/bankruptcy.php.
Go to the question: I have filed bankruptcy. How can I license my vehicle?
Documents and pleadings may be filed electronically using the Case Management/Electronic Case Filing system (CM/ECF). See the Court's CM/ECF site for further information. If you are a pro se filer, documents or pleadings can either be filed in the Jefferson City, Kansas City, or Springfield courthouse.
Back to TopThe Clerk's Office is open to the public for business Monday thru Friday, except for legal holidays, during the hours of 10:00 am to 4:00 pm.
Back to TopThe CM/ECF system is available 24 hours a day/7 days a week which will allow for the electronic filing of documents and pleadings at any time. If it is necessary to file a document in paper, there is a drop box located in the courthouse lobby. Documents and pleadings may be placed in the drop box between the following hours and will be deemed filed that day.
Kansas City - 7:30 am and 5:00 pm
Springfield - 7:30 am and 5:00 pm
Jefferson City - 7:30 am and 5:00 pm
The fee for filing a civil case is $405. The fee for filing a miscellaneous action is $52.
Back to TopIn Person: cash in the correct amount, check, money order or cashier's check. The court will no longer accept credit or debit cards at the courthouse. Please Note: cash is not accepted in the Jefferson City courthouse. No payments of any kind are accepted in the Springfield courthouse.
Electronically via CM/ECF: credit card or ACH (direct deposit) which includes checking accounts, savings accounts, or debit cards.
In Kansas City, for your convenience, there is an ATM located on the Plaza level of the Kansas City courthouse, in the dining area of the cafeteria.
Back to TopYou may represent yourself (referred to as Pro Se), however the District Court and clerk's office will not be able to provide you with legal advice.
Back to TopTo file electronically, see the Court's Electronic Case Filing Website. To file pro se, you will need an original and one copy of the original signed complaint, a completed JS-44 civil cover sheet, $405 filing fee, or a motion to proceed in forma pauperis (IFP).
Back to TopSome district forms may also be downloaded here. You should familiarize yourself with the court's local rules to determine which forms are required.
Back to TopYou may contact the judges' courtroom deputy to obtain information on procedures and case status.
Back to TopAs officers of the court, attorneys are authorized to issue subpoenas in the name of any court in which they are authorized to practice, and, in the case of a deposition in another district, in the name of the court where the deposition is taking place. It is not required that the attorney be a member of the bar or admitted pro hac vice in the district where the subpoena is issued, as long as he/she is authorized to practice in the district where the primary case was filed. Note: Parties who are not officers of the court must have the clerk's office sign the subpoena for them before service.
Back to TopThe United States District Court for the Western District of Missouri is comprised of five divisions, namely: Kansas City, Jefferson City, Springfield, St. Joseph and Joplin.
Kansas City Division
The Kansas City Division (Western Division) is comprised of the counties of Bates, Carroll, Cass, Clay, Henry, Jackson, Johnson, Lafayette, Ray, St. Clair and Saline.
Jefferson City Division
The Jefferson City Division (Central Division) is comprised of the counties of Benton, Boone, Callaway, Camden, Cole, Cooper, Hickory, Howard, Miller, Moniteau, Morgan, Osage and Pettis.
Springfield Division
The Springfield Division (Southern Division) is comprised of the counties of Cedar, Christian, Dade, Dallas, Douglas, Greene, Howell, Laclede, Oregon, Ozark, Polk, Pulaski, Taney, Texas, Webster and Wright.
St. Joseph Division
The St. Joseph Division is comprised of the counties of Andrew, Atchison, Buchanan, Caldwell, Clinton, Daviess, DeKalb, Gentry, Grundy, Harrison, Holt, Livingston, Mercer, Nodaway, Platte, Putnam, Sullivan and Worth.
Joplin Division
The Joplin Division (Southwestern Division) is comprised of the counties of Barry, Barton, Jasper, Lawrence, McDonald, Newton, Stone and Vernon.
Back to TopA petit juror's responsibility is to determine issues of fact in civil and criminal cases and to reach a verdict in conjunction with those findings. A grand juror's responsibility is to determine "probable cause" based on the facts and accusations presented by the prosecutor. If a grand jury finds probable cause, an indictment will be handed down. An indictment is the most common way a criminal case starts.
Back to TopWe have both civil and criminal trials in Federal Court. Criminal trials consist of juries composed of 12 jurors plus alternates, and civil trials are composed of 6 to 12 jurors. Only 12 jurors can deliberate on any trial.
Back to TopGeneral questions may be answered by calling (816) 512-5100. You can also contact us:
Our e-mail address: jury@mow.uscourts.gov
Back to TopAt this time, there is no law requiring them to do so. The majority of employers at least make up the difference.
Back to TopThe IRS considers juror attendance fees to the Other Income and must be reported on Line 21 of the 1040. At the end of the year, a 1099 MISC will be mailed to all jurors who earn $600 or more in attendance fees in the calendar year.
Back to TopWe do not have a stub itemizing your days of service. However, upon request, the Clerk's Office will furnish you with a certificate stating the date you reported and that you were paid $50.00 attendance fee. We do not list the parking or mileage that you were paid since it is a direct reimbursement of your expenses and it is not recoverable by your employer.
Back to TopThe attendance fee is $50.00 per day, unless you are employed by the Federal Government. Jurors will be reimbursed for their round trip mileage and parking.
Back to TopA petit juror's responsibility is to determine issues of fact in civil and criminal cases and to reach a verdict in conjunction with those findings. A grand juror's responsibility is to determine "probable cause" based on the facts and accusations presented by the prosecutor. If a grand jury finds probable cause, an indictment will be handed down. An indictment is the most common way a criminal case starts.
Back to TopWe have both civil and criminal trials in Federal Court. Criminal trials consist of juries composed of 12 jurors plus alternates, and civil trials are composed of 6 to 12 jurors. Only 12 jurors can deliberate on any trial.
Back to TopAll courthouses open at 7:30 am.
Kansas City Division
Parking: DO NOT park on the street at meters unless they are 10-hour meters. Parking fees vary from $3.00 to $15.00. Some meters take change or use phone apps.
Some public parking locations near the courthouse:
11th & Oak St- Standard Garage
($15 debit/credit card only), entrance on Oak Street between 11 & 12th Streets.
11th & Locust- JE Dunn Garage
($15 debit/credit card only), entrance on 11th Street between Cherry & Locust Streets.
Corner of 9th & Oak St- (phone application), entrance on Oak St.
Handicapped Access: Ramp access is located at the southeast corner of the courthouse at 9th and Locust. Handicapped parking is available in the fenced employee parking lot, west of the courthouse.
KC Transportation Authority: Information for Metro Bus:
816-221-0660; Hearing Impaired: 816-474-0646
24-hour access: www.kcata.org
Please notify our office of any changes to address prior to reporting.
Jefferson City Division
Jurors should use the parking lot located on State Street just west of the courthouse. When the juror lot is full, on-street parking is available. Handicap parking is located on Lafayette Street in front of the courthouse.
Springfield Division
Parking is adjacent just north of the courthouse. Handicap parking is available near ramp in the parking lot.
Back to TopJury trials can last anywhere from less than one day to many weeks in length. The majority of our trials in the Western District of Missouri last two to three days. If you were subject to a lengthy trial, you will have an opportunity to advise the court that a long trial would be a problem for you.
Back to TopSometimes trials will run into the evening hours. If that happens, you will have ample time to make any necessary arrangements and advise your family. Sequestration is always a possibility, however, you will be informed of that possibility on the day of selection.
Back to TopJuries will be selected on the first day you report for jury duty. If you are selected to serve, you will most likely begin the trial that day. There are no standard court hours. If you are not selected to serve, you could be dismissed by noon or early afternoon.
Back to TopWe have an automated jury message system which is used to inform our jurors of their status during their period of "on call" service. Jurors must call this message as instructed on their summons.
The phone number is 1-800-488-0679.
Back to TopPlease refer to your jury summons for current information regarding your subsistence rate.
Back to TopYou should make your own reservations and pay your own bill. When you make your reservations, please advise the hotel that you are a federal juror and you should receive the government rate. Do not book online with a travel site. Hotels will not issue a receipt for online reservations and you will not be reimbursed for those expenses.
When using online booking with the Hilton chain of hotels, the website may direct the user to a third party payment portal in order to prepay for the room. This portal adds a non-itemized "Tax recovery charge and service fee" to the reservation of up to nearly 50% of the cost of the room. Under our travel regulations, this "service fee" would not be reimbursable to the traveler.
Court travelers are cautioned to NOT prepay for their lodging at Hilton hotels. Instead, please contact the hotel directly and give them your credit card number to secure the room. The card should only be charged at the time of travel.
The Hilton chain of hotels includes:
Double Tree
Embassy Suites
Hilton Garden Inn
Hampton Inn
Homewood Suites
Home 2
You will be reimbursed the subsistence rate on your jury check. There are several hotels in the Kansas City Metro and surrounding areas.
Back to TopJurors who live 75 miles or more from your requested reporting city, may travel to the court the evening before you are due to report and spend the night. You will be paid an attendance fee for the day you travel as well as the day you report, plus subsistence for that night. In some instances, if you live less than 75 miles, this requirement may be waived if you show good reason for having to travel the night before. If you stay in a hotel/motel, you must turn in a receipt to be paid per diem. If you stay with friends or relatives, you must advise the jury staff of this.
Back to TopAt this time, there is no law requiring them to do so. The majority of employers at least make up the difference.
Back to TopThe IRS considers juror attendance fees to the Other Income and must be reported on Line 21 of the 1040. At the end of the year, a 1099 MISC will be mailed to all jurors who earn $600 or more in attendance fees in the calendar year.
Back to TopWe do not have a stub itemizing your days of service. However, upon request, the Clerk's Office will furnish you with a certificate stating the date you reported and that you were paid $50.00 attendance fee. We do not list the parking or mileage that you were paid since it is a direct reimbursement of your expenses and it is not recoverable by your employer.
Back to TopThe attendance fee is $50.00 per day, unless you are employed by the Federal Government. Jurors will be reimbursed for their round trip mileage and parking.
Back to TopThe United States District Court for the Western District of Missouri is comprised of five divisions, namely: Kansas City, Jefferson City, Springfield, St. Joseph and Joplin.
Kansas City Division
The Kansas City Division (Western Division) is comprised of the counties of Bates, Carroll, Cass, Clay, Henry, Jackson, Johnson, Lafayette, Ray, St. Clair and Saline.
Jefferson City Division
The Jefferson City Division (Central Division) is comprised of the counties of Benton, Boone, Callaway, Camden, Cole, Cooper, Hickory, Howard, Miller, Moniteau, Morgan, Osage and Pettis.
Springfield Division
The Springfield Division (Southern Division) is comprised of the counties of Cedar, Christian, Dade, Dallas, Douglas, Greene, Howell, Laclede, Oregon, Ozark, Polk, Pulaski, Taney, Texas, Webster and Wright.
St. Joseph Division
The St. Joseph Division is comprised of the counties of Andrew, Atchison, Buchanan, Caldwell, Clinton, Daviess, DeKalb, Gentry, Grundy, Harrison, Holt, Livingston, Mercer, Nodaway, Platte, Putnam, Sullivan and Worth.
Joplin Division
The Joplin Division (Southwestern Division) is comprised of the counties of Barry, Barton, Jasper, Lawrence, McDonald, Newton, Stone and Vernon.
Back to TopYou have been called to serve for a period of two weeks up to one month, unless notified to the contrary, your service will be over once your period (two weeks up to one month) is completed.
Back to TopWe change our jury wheels every two years. However, you do not have to serve a second time if you have served as a juror in federal or state court within the last two years and will be excused upon proof of service.
Back to TopYour term of service depends on whether you are a petit juror or a grand juror, and where you have been summoned to serve.
Term of Service for Petit Jurors
All petit jurors serving in Kansas City, Jefferson City and Springfield are required to be on call for a period of two weeks up to one month. During that time, you may be called to serve on any of the dates listed on your initial reporting instructions.
Term of Service for Grand Jurors
You will be asked to report for grand jury selection only once. If you are not selected as a grand juror, you will not be asked to report again, and your term of service is complete. If you are selected as a grand juror, the term of service is eighteen months with no maximum number of times to report. In most instances, you will be required to report once a month until your term has expired.
Back to TopYou should call 800-488-0679 as instructed on your summons for up to date information each weekend during your term of service.
Back to TopUnder federal law, employers must allow their employees time off for jury duty. An employee cannot be punished by their employer in any way for jury service. However, under the law, the employer is not required to pay salary or wages while the employee is serving jury duty.
Back to TopYou may go online and request a partial excuse by logging on to ejuror. To the left of the welcome page, you will find the word PARTIAL EXCUSE. Click on it to continue. If you do not have access to a computer, you may fax or mail in a request. (Please include dates). Please allow ample time if mailing in request.
Back to TopThe only time you should call regarding an excuse is when you have a last minute emergency that cannot be handled online or by fax. Requests by employers will not be accepted.
Back to TopThe juror information must be completed before you can request an excuse. You may go online at mow.uscourts.gov to complete the juror information. Once your information is complete, you will need to log out and then log back on to request an excuse. The words, EXCUSE/PARTIAL EXCUSE OR DEFER will be to the left of the screen once you have logged in. Click on one of those words to continue. (If you make any changes, you won't be able to access the excuse category until we have accepted your changes). You will need to track your status by calling our Juror Automated System. The number is 800-488-0679. You will need to have your participant number available. If you do not have access to a computer or fax, you can mail a request for excuse to our office.
Back to TopGeneral questions may be answered by calling (816) 512-5100. You can also contact us:
Our e-mail address: jury@mow.uscourts.gov
Back to TopYes, we need the information contained on your questionnaire for statistical purposes, even if you have been excused. If you are requesting an excuse, you may submit the excuse online or by fax. You can send an excuse in writing if the above options are unavailable.
Back to TopRace and gender are not factors in determining your eligibility to serve as a juror. We ask these questions so that we can assure a proper racial and gender balance in our master jury wheel.
Back to TopThe United States District Court currently obtains the names of our jurors from two sources: a list of registered voters from the Secretary of States Office and a list of state identification cards/licensed drivers over the age of 18 from the Missouri Department of Revenue. If you have moved, but still reside in the boundaries of your district, you will be subject to jury service.
Back to TopPlease refer to your jury summons for current information regarding your subsistence rate.
Back to TopYou should make your own reservations and pay your own bill. When you make your reservations, please advise the hotel that you are a federal juror and you should receive the government rate. Do not book online with a travel site. Hotels will not issue a receipt for online reservations and you will not be reimbursed for those expenses.
When using online booking with the Hilton chain of hotels, the website may direct the user to a third party payment portal in order to prepay for the room. This portal adds a non-itemized "Tax recovery charge and service fee" to the reservation of up to nearly 50% of the cost of the room. Under our travel regulations, this "service fee" would not be reimbursable to the traveler.
Court travelers are cautioned to NOT prepay for their lodging at Hilton hotels. Instead, please contact the hotel directly and give them your credit card number to secure the room. The card should only be charged at the time of travel.
The Hilton chain of hotels includes:
Double Tree
Embassy Suites
Hilton Garden Inn
Hampton Inn
Homewood Suites
Home 2
You will be reimbursed the subsistence rate on your jury check. There are several hotels in the Kansas City Metro and surrounding areas.
Back to TopJurors who live 75 miles or more from your requested reporting city, may travel to the court the evening before you are due to report and spend the night. You will be paid an attendance fee for the day you travel as well as the day you report, plus subsistence for that night. In some instances, if you live less than 75 miles, this requirement may be waived if you show good reason for having to travel the night before. If you stay in a hotel/motel, you must turn in a receipt to be paid per diem. If you stay with friends or relatives, you must advise the jury staff of this.
Back to TopAll courthouses open at 7:30 am.
Kansas City Division
Parking: DO NOT park on the street at meters unless they are 10-hour meters. Parking fees vary from $3.00 to $15.00. Some meters take change or use phone apps.
Some public parking locations near the courthouse:
11th & Oak St- Standard Garage
($15 debit/credit card only), entrance on Oak Street between 11 & 12th Streets.
11th & Locust- JE Dunn Garage
($15 debit/credit card only), entrance on 11th Street between Cherry & Locust Streets.
Corner of 9th & Oak St- (phone application), entrance on Oak St.
Handicapped Access: Ramp access is located at the southeast corner of the courthouse at 9th and Locust. Handicapped parking is available in the fenced employee parking lot, west of the courthouse.
KC Transportation Authority: Information for Metro Bus:
816-221-0660; Hearing Impaired: 816-474-0646
24-hour access: www.kcata.org
Please notify our office of any changes to address prior to reporting.
Jefferson City Division
Jurors should use the parking lot located on State Street just west of the courthouse. When the juror lot is full, on-street parking is available. Handicap parking is located on Lafayette Street in front of the courthouse.
Springfield Division
Parking is adjacent just north of the courthouse. Handicap parking is available near ramp in the parking lot.
Back to TopWe can only acknowledge what is considered public record. If it involves a violation of law, we will refer you to the appropriate supervising officer.
Back to TopWhen someone is under pretrial status, they have been charged with a federal criminal offense and will be involved in the court process until final disposition of the case. When someone has been accepted into the pretrial diversion program, prosecution is deferred for a defined period of time, usually between 12 to 18 months. If they have successfully completed the diversion program, no formal charges are filed.
Back to TopYes. The supervising officer may make both home and workplace visits to ensure compliance with conditions of release and to assess your adjustment at home and in the community.
Back to TopAll persons entering the United States Courthouse must present a valid picture ID (this includes U. S. Probation issued ID card) and are required to pass through a magnetometer and have all belongings and packages subject to physical and/or x-ray examination.
Back to TopA pretrial report is the result of a background investigation conducted for the court when an individual has been charged with a federal criminal offense. The information contained in this report is used by a judicial officer to determine if bond is appropriate based upon the bail laws and, if so, what type of bond and conditions of release may be appropriate for each individual defendant.
Back to TopWe can only acknowledge what is considered public record. If it involves a violation of law, we will refer you to the appropriate probation officer or the appropriate law enforcement agency.
Back to TopProbation is a term of community supervision imposed by the Court in lieu of a prison sentence.
Parole is a period of community supervision imposed by the U.S. Parole Commission to be completed after release from a prison term. The U.S. Parole Commission’s jurisdiction is limited to offenders who committed offenses prior to November 1, 1987, and certain Washington D.C. offenders.
Supervised Release is a period of community supervision imposed by the Court to be completed after release from jail or prison sentence.
Back to TopTitle 18 U.S.C. 3564(c) and 3583(e)(1) permit the Court to terminate terms of probation in misdemeanor cases at any time, and terms of supervised release or probation in felony cases after the expiration of one year of supervision if such action is warranted by the conduct of an offender and is in the interest of justice. Early terminations are a rare occurrence and should not be expected.
Back to TopYes. The USPO shall make both home and workplace visits to ensure compliance with condition of supervision and to assess your adjustment at home and in the community.
Back to TopIn the event you need immediate assistance and your supervision officer is unavailable, call the office and ask to speak to the duty officer.
Back to TopAll persons entering the United States Courthouse must present a valid picture ID (this includes U.S. Probation issued ID card) and are required to pass through a magnetometer and have all belongings and packages subject to physical and/or x-ray examination. If an offender is reporting his/her release from an institution or community corrections center, please bring any release papers with you given by the institution.
Back to TopAs ordered by the Court, a probation officer conducts a presentence investigation and submits a report to the Court prior to sentencing. The purpose of the report is to assist the Court in determining an appropriate sentence. It also serves to assist the probation officer in its supervision of the offender and to support the Bureau of Prisons with inmate designation, classification and release planning.
The probation officer independently investigates the specifics of the offense and the offender’s criminal background and personal characteristics. The probation officer conducts interviews with the offender, as well as significant others who can provide information about the offender. Interviews are also conducted with the prosecutor, victims, and investigating agents. Home visits are conducted to assess the offender’s living conditions. Information regarding familial relationships, education, employment, substance abuse, physical health, mental health, and financial condition is gathered.
After compiling this information, the probation officer preparing the presentence report makes recommendations regarding imprisonment, probation, supervised release, fines, and restitution. The officer also makes a recommendation regarding conditions of release.
Presentence reports are confidential documents and will only be released to your attorney (who will share it with you), the prosecutor, the Court, and the Bureau of Prisons (if you are sentenced to imprisonment). Absent a court order, no other party is entitled to a copy.
Back to TopThe best information can be found on the Department of Justice Website: https://www.justice.gov/pardon/
Back to TopYes, we need the information contained on your questionnaire for statistical purposes, even if you have been excused. If you are requesting an excuse, you may submit the excuse online or by fax. You can send an excuse in writing if the above options are unavailable.
Back to TopRace and gender are not factors in determining your eligibility to serve as a juror. We ask these questions so that we can assure a proper racial and gender balance in our master jury wheel.
Back to TopThe United States District Court currently obtains the names of our jurors from two sources: a list of registered voters from the Secretary of States Office and a list of state identification cards/licensed drivers over the age of 18 from the Missouri Department of Revenue. If you have moved, but still reside in the boundaries of your district, you will be subject to jury service.
Back to TopUnder federal law, employers must allow their employees time off for jury duty. An employee cannot be punished by their employer in any way for jury service. However, under the law, the employer is not required to pay salary or wages while the employee is serving jury duty.
Back to TopYou may go online and request a partial excuse by logging on to ejuror. To the left of the welcome page, you will find the word PARTIAL EXCUSE. Click on it to continue. If you do not have access to a computer, you may fax or mail in a request. (Please include dates). Please allow ample time if mailing in request.
Back to TopThe only time you should call regarding an excuse is when you have a last minute emergency that cannot be handled online or by fax. Requests by employers will not be accepted.
Back to TopThe juror information must be completed before you can request an excuse. You may go online at mow.uscourts.gov to complete the juror information. Once your information is complete, you will need to log out and then log back on to request an excuse. The words, EXCUSE/PARTIAL EXCUSE OR DEFER will be to the left of the screen once you have logged in. Click on one of those words to continue. (If you make any changes, you won't be able to access the excuse category until we have accepted your changes). You will need to track your status by calling our Juror Automated System. The number is 800-488-0679. You will need to have your participant number available. If you do not have access to a computer or fax, you can mail a request for excuse to our office.
Back to TopYou have been called to serve for a period of two weeks up to one month, unless notified to the contrary, your service will be over once your period (two weeks up to one month) is completed.
Back to TopWe change our jury wheels every two years. However, you do not have to serve a second time if you have served as a juror in federal or state court within the last two years and will be excused upon proof of service.
Back to TopYour term of service depends on whether you are a petit juror or a grand juror, and where you have been summoned to serve.
Term of Service for Petit Jurors
All petit jurors serving in Kansas City, Jefferson City and Springfield are required to be on call for a period of two weeks up to one month. During that time, you may be called to serve on any of the dates listed on your initial reporting instructions.
Term of Service for Grand Jurors
You will be asked to report for grand jury selection only once. If you are not selected as a grand juror, you will not be asked to report again, and your term of service is complete. If you are selected as a grand juror, the term of service is eighteen months with no maximum number of times to report. In most instances, you will be required to report once a month until your term has expired.
Back to TopYou should call 800-488-0679 as instructed on your summons for up to date information each weekend during your term of service.
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