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Electronic Proof of Claim (ePOC)

The Electronic Proof of Claims (ePOC) is a program designed to streamline claims processing by allowing Creditors to file a claim, amend a claim, withdraw a claim, or supplement a claim via the internet without having to log into CM/ECF. The ePOC program will automatically prepare the official Bankruptcy Proof of Claim form (Form B10) based on the information entered into the program. ePOC does not work when using Chrome as your internet browser.

  • Proof of Claim forms for all chapters may be filed electronically.
  • The name, complete address and telephone number of the creditor must appear on the claim form. If an attorney or a trustee is filing the claim on behalf of a creditor, the attorney or trustee should also enter his/her name, complete address and telephone number. The name and title, if any, of the person authorized to file the claim is required on the claim form.

Penalty for filing a fraudulent claim:

Fine of up to $500,000 or imprisonment for up to 5 years, or both. 11 U.S.C. §§ 152 and 3571.

ePOC Instructions


Electronic Reaffirmation Agreement (eReaf)

Electronic Reaffirmation Agreement (eReaf) is a program designed to allow creditors or attorneys to file a Reaffirmation Agreement via the internet without having to log into CM/ECF. ONLY a Reaffirmation Agreement WITH cover sheet in a combined PDF should be filed through this database. DO NOT attempt to file a motion through eReaf; instead, file the motion through the CM/ECF system.


Electronic Request for Notice (eRQN)

Electronic Request for Notice (eRQN) is a program designed to allow creditors to file a Request for Notice via the internet without having to log into CM/ECF. A PDF Request for Notice is attached and filed, which will then add the requestor to the creditor mailing matrix. An attorney filing a Notice of Appearance and Request will need to file it through the CM/ECF system.