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Juror Information

If you have informed delivery with the United States Postal Service and received a letter from the Clerk's Office, this is a legitimate juror qualification form that needs to be completed and returned.

Login >> eJuror Access

If you recently received a qualification questionnaire and it is identical to this page, it is a legitimate questionnaire from our Court.

Please complete according to instructions on the back of the letter.

A Guide to Federal Jury Service

This website is designed for jurors, employers, and the public to use to find useful information about the Federal jury system.

The links to the left are provided to help you with information regarding jury service, frequently asked questions and information for employers regarding employer obligation.

If you have comments or questions, contact us at or 816-512-5100.

It's Your Duty and Honor

As a juror, you play an essential role in the American system of justice.

You do not need any special skills or legal knowledge to be a juror. You do need to keep an open mind and be willing to make decisions free of personal feeling and biases. As a juror, you will listen to opening statements and closing arguments for both sides. You will also learn about and weigh the evidence that has been collected for the trial. You will then be asked to make a decision about the case after you have talked it over with the other jurors during deliberations.

During the trial, the judge serves as the court's presiding officer and as the final authority on the law. The lawyers act as advocates for their sides of the case. As a juror, you are responsible for impartially evaluating the facts presented and for applying the law to these facts as the judge instructs you. These combined efforts bring about the fair and impartial administration of justice in our state and nation.


You Can Make a Difference

Without you, the jury system cannot work the way the authors of the Constitution wanted. Yet jury service means rearranging schedules, canceling appointments, and oftentimes missing work. But if you were on trial, wouldn't you want someone like you to make the sacrifices necessary to be a part of your jury? Your public service as a juror protects our right to have a trial by an impartial jury.

Over and over, jurors who have served tell us they enjoy being involved in making an important civic decision. Often jury service is the most direct participation the average citizen can have in the workings of government.

Thank you for serving!