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Job Club

This program runs four weeks and offers networking opportunities, soft skills training, assessment of job interests, resume building, interview skills and resources for community assistance with job search.

Job Readiness Job Club is offered weekly for those actively seeking employment. Job Club is facilitated by the Community Resource Specialist, an offender Workforce Development Specialist trained by the National Institute of Corrections.

Job Club is held the 1st through 4th Tuesday or each month from 9:30 - 11:00 a.m. at the Hope Faith Ministries building located at 705 Virginia in Kansas City, Missouri.

Referral to job club must be facilitated by your officer.

Job Connection Once Job Club is completed, if still on a job search you will transition to Job Connection for 4 weeks of support, networking, and job leads. Job Connection is also held on Tuesday mornings from 8:45 - 9:15 a.m. at Hope Faith Ministries.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) You may also be able to participate in CBT as part of Job Club. CBT offers opportunities to gain insight on how to deal with "thinking traps," understanding employers expectations, managing emotions and solving work place problems.

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